Vision problems may cause huge obstacles in the life of an
athlete. Sooner or later; an athlete finds himself in the dilemma of choosing
between the two- glasses
or circle contact lenses? Glasses fog, slip, fall off & what worse?
They even fail to ensure crisp vision such as in case of peripheral (side)
vision. Circle contact lenses on the other hand let you enjoy the bump-free
bicycle ride, hassle-free jogging & ball games etc. You are definitely to enjoy the liberation
from glasses in high-contact games such as soccer, wrestling etc.
Why Circle Contact Lenses are better for Sports than
Circle contact lenses are chosen by most of the athletes having vision-problems for several reasons. With glasses there are risks of injuries involved which on the other hand circle contact lenses prevent you from. Before indulging into sports such as rough & tough ball games like tennis, foot-ball, badminton & hiking; it is advised that you try on prescription circle contact lenses to maintain stable vision.
Benefits of Circle Contact Lenses in Sports which Glasses
Can’t Provide
- Circle contact lenses do not get dirty and smashed off like glasses when busy in sports like race, mountain biking etc.
- Unlike glasses circle contact lenses do not move or bounce with the rhythm of your feet in ball games such as football, tennis, squash etc.
- Circle contact lenses remain unaffected by weather changes. Unlike glasses they do not pick up dirt & moisture from the environment.
- Contacts ensure wider field of vision; at which glasses are a sheer fail. Peripheral vision concerns are only and directly addressed by contact lenses.
- Circle contacts make it easier to wear protective eye goggles & wrap-around equipment. Since glasses tend to interfere with your helmet; circle lenses are definitely a no-brainer.
Circle contact lenses provide greater comfort, confidence
& liberation. Whether you are an amateur sportsman who has just begun
playing sports or a professional recreational athlete; glasses are not just
practical for you. Wear branded
prescribed circle lenses , culled from Korea & guard your eyes from
glasses-related injuries!
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