Thursday, 7 January 2016

PHD Candidate & Multilingual Human Barbie Proves that nothing can deter you Chasing your Dreams

Ashton Clarke, 22, a multilingual PHD candidate from Tennessee University and an exhibited artist, is a walking Barbie doll. The talented woman began transforming herself when she was 16 and after her years of efforts, she has finally proved that nothing creates obstacles when you are determined to achieve a goal. Ashton is currently a Clinical Psychology research assistant & hopes to obtain a PHD without affecting her academia.

Ashton dons bright blue colored contact lenses, wears extensions and falsies and has had lip fillers to create a Barbie transformation. She is always quick at proving her professors that maintaining her fake looks is just another hobby that will never affect her studies. She however, feels sorry for people who are unable to accept her for what she is as they have their own pre-set molds of standards where she does not fit-in.

She spends about $1000 to maintain her looks. She dyed her hair blonde, started wearing contact lenses and fake tan along with the false eye-lashes. Ashton told Daily Mail that she feels confident this way & she is well-aware how not to let this art affect her studies negatively. She claims to be a multi-talented overly-feminine woman who is never resisted to perform vibrantly in academics. “I always make sure to demonstrate to my professors early on that I’m capable and my makeup hobby does not hinder my ability to do research or write excellent papers,” she told The Daily Mail. “It’s just one of my many interests. Although I think it’s sad that there’s such a stigma in academia against women who appear overly feminine.”

Nothing should stop you pursuing your dreams. Let us all women break the stereotype that maintaining and worrying equally about how we look will lay negative impact on other important life chores. A woman has all rights to feel good in her skin, even if she has to go to extra miles to maintain her looks! Will you be wearing colored contact lenses like Ashton to bring a pleasant change in your personality?

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