Sunday, 10 January 2016

Grey-Silver Short Wig: K- Isana Yashiro

This short natural-looking grey silver wig is an immediate source of pleasure. With little teasing; the wig gets enough volume and bulk. K-Isana Yashiro cosplay wig holds enough layers to bear the strong styling. The wig has soft fibers and it looks decent enough for casual wears. 

"I’m actually very impressed with how the wig handled. Frankly, given my experiences with thin eBay wigs, I didn’t even think there would be enough hair to spike, so I was happily surprised to see that there were definitely enough wefts to hold a moderately lifted style. The spikes did deflate a little, but using a combination of heat, backcombing, and extra holding spray could train them to adhere to a more defined shape. If you wanted to style a more cartoonish or dramatic look, you’d likely need to add extra wefts to keep the back lace from showing through the hair, but for my styling purposes it held its own. Overall, I’m extremely satisfied"-- complete review & pictures can be found here

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