
Thursday, 11 December 2014

Some Facts about Contact Lens Fitting

Contact lenses are not one-size-fit-all. Yet, there are some simple rules about contact lens fitting, as the average size of a human iris is 14mm. Contact lenses with a base curve of 8.6 mm fits most of the people whilst the water content of 38% keep circle lenses moist & your eyes hydrated.

Meeting your Eye Care Professional

  1. If you are wearing contact lenses for refractive index correction, you should meet your ophthalmologist for prescription needs such as astigmatism.
  2. People who wear contact lenses for personality enhancement should also meet eye care professional as there are several conditions that might affect contact lens tolerance such as the use of certain medication like birth control pills.  
  3. An eye care service provider will check your eyes to see if you are a successful candidate of contact lenses. Depending on your eye types; he will recommend you contact lenses that will fit your eyes whilst ensuring the maximum comfort.

Health of Cornea

  • One should take note of the corneal health. Tear film evaluation often describes how your corneas behave with contact lenses. Some people find it uncomfortable to wear contact lenses. This happens because of the quick degeneration of lipid that is actually the upper most layer of tear-film; serving as the barrier between foreign substances and your eyes.
  • In case of dry eyes syndrome; use FDA approved authentic eye drops. Not everyone needs eye drops. Circle lenses with water content 38% and above are comfortable to most of the eyes. However; people with sensitive eyes may opt for circle lenses above 50% water content or disposable circle lenses.
  • If you spend bigger portion of your day at working on computer then you are more likely to suffer from computer vision syndrome. Since working at computer alters the “blinking-rate” it indirectly affects the tear film production & aggravates the symptoms with contact lenses. This is how to manage contact lenses with computer vision syndrome.

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