
Friday 1 May 2015

3 Things to Do as a Healthy Woman before Stepping into Shower

Putting your Contact Lenses Off

It is an established fact that water & contact lenses are never a fun combination. Water and contact lenses should never be exposed with each other since water contains a microorganism “Acathamoeba Keratits” that may lead to serious ocular disasters. The virus grows quickly and in serious cases may lead to corneal transplant. It is not a good idea to compromise your vision for contact lenses. Stop being lazy and take your contact lenses off before stepping into shower.

Leaving your Problems at the Door

A hot shower is supposed to be relaxing. It does not deserve to be called a shower if it does not relieve you of your tensions. Therefore; as a healthy young lady always keep your tensions away from your hot bath tub. Leave them at the door and get yourself a relaxing shower. But hey hold on, have you taken your contact lenses off already?

Brushing the Hair

It is never a good idea to wash wet hair as they are more prone to damage.  On the other hand, combing dry hair with tangles could invite lot more of the damage and tension in hair. If you have dry hair; slathering huge quantity of conditioner might help. Brush with a wide-toothed comb to reduce the friction.

Article inspiration: huffington post (Kori Crosson)

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