
Tuesday 12 May 2015

Gyaru Fashion Accessories: Wigs & Circle Lenses

Gyaru fashion emphasizes on bigger and rounder eyes that are supported by the heavy drape of luxuriously sewn false eye lashes. The next thing you would notice in a Gyaru is her puffy; kind of heavy hair style that is glamorously adorned with cute hair accessories-namely tiaras, bows or beads. Gyaru fashion has undergone huge changes thus we see numerous types of Gyarus in Japan today. From soft & classic to wild & lavish; Gyarus will never stop surprising you with the way they carry themselves.

Gyaru Eye Makeup

Gyaru fashion trend is about bold use of eye liner. Since Gyaru believes on drawing all of the attention towards eyes, rest of the makeup is kept subtle & nude. To accentuate eyes, gyaru ingeniously makes use of big eye circle lenses preferable those that are blue. However, due to modifications in the trend; Gyarus are now switching from blue to brown contact lenses. To blend the effect of circle lenses; thick eye liner followed by heavy set of false eye lashes are taken sport of.

Click here for Gyaru Makeup Tutorial

Gyaru Hair Style

Gyaru style their hair gorgeously. Their hairstyles are characterized by bounce, ringlet curls, bangs & volume. To create flattering volume hair is needed to be teased vigorously at the crown. Since this involves the risk of hair damage, Gyaru these days prefer cost-effective synthetic gyaru wigs. Synthetic wigs are not just easy to manage but are also easy to style.

Gyaru love to dress herself up in pastel shades. She loves to stay cute & baby-ish. This is why pencil arched eye brows have been replaced by thick, straight & more natural looking brows. Even though there are basic guide lines available on Gyaru fashion to draw inspiration from; it all depends on how you add meanings to this fashion trend. Enjoy being you!

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