
Thursday, 12 December 2013

Big Dolly Eyes with Uniqso's Big Eye Lenses & Big Eyes Makeup Accessories

Haven't you started your Christmas preparations yet? For achieving marvelous dolly look with big beautiful eyes you definitely need some big eye contact lenses and circle lenses along with some big eyes makeup accessories including new:

  1. Yanqina cute liquid eye liner
  2. Stella Eyelashes - Collagen-Eyelash-Glue
  3. Solone Alice Fantasy Adventure Series - Role Switching Liquid Eyeliner
  4. Stella Eyelashes Double Flex 8961
  5. Barbie - Kira Kira Violet lenses
  6. I.Fairy - Moe Moe Grey lenses

Jennifer has created a fabulous look using big eyes makeup accessories and Kira Kira Violet Circle Lenses. Kira Kira violet big eye circle lenses are dolly looking and natural. when worn upon dark eyes; they become less vibrant so do not cast striking looks. Kira kira violet circle lenses are good for those who do want a transformation but love to stay natural. 

Click here for more Christmas inspired makeup ideas. Check out Kira Kira Violet big eye lenses review and enjoy the makeup look which has been created using the mentioned lenses

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