
Thursday, 19 November 2015

Don’t be fooled by Substandard Kigurumi Costumes- Buy Genuine Only!

Kigurumi costumes made from fleece fabric are one of the most sought-after outfits for winter evenings. A quality kigurumi should last you long because it is made from superior & fine quality of the fabric. There are mushroom & mirror online retailers selling sub-standard kigurumi pajamas that will eventually end up costing you the double of the whole price. A fake kigurumi cannot withhold even a single wash & will begin to fade soon after the first wash. Look for the following quality checks in your Kigurumi before making a purchase.


A genuine kigurumi is made from high quality fleece material. It remains soft & snugly even after several cycles of machine wash. Contrary to this a fake kigurumi looks like a poor-quality towel that gets stiff right after the first wash.


Quality onesie makes use of soft lining all the way through. Unlike this, a fake kigurumi has mismatched lining with loose & scratchy seams. Puckering at the seams is also common.

Facial Features

Our Kigurumis are true replica of the character. It has symmetrical face with all the features equally spaced whereas a substandard kigurumi fails to imitate the character’s features appropriately. Sometimes one of the facial featured is dragged and sewn between the seams such as one of the ear sewn with the horn etc. A fake kigurumi often has wonky nostrils, lopsided ears and eye balls.


A good quality Kigu makes use of same color buttons. They are spaced at equal distance to keep the visual harmony maintained.

We deal in premium quality kigurumis and that too at the pocket-friendly rates. Don’t be fooled by imitations. Invest only in genuine kigurumi costumes ranging from US$29.90.

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