
Sunday, 25 October 2015

Halloween Contact Lens Horror Stories: The True False Game


Gruesome Halloween horror stories might have made its way already in your social media news feed. Real life stories of how Halloween contact lenses leaving people permanently blind and helpless may have disturbed your everyday routine. People do risk their eye sight most at the Halloween, but it is their own insane & careless attitude that threatens. Halloween contact lenses that are FDA approved; are made using safe-for-health dyes under strict quality regulations. Next time, you read a news story; pay attention to the “Real factors” behind. It is rare that you get yourself injured wearing branded & certified crazy contacts- Even sclera contacts do fine, if the prescription is respected and guidelines are accurately followed.


Halloween is more fun than horror therefore it must not over-take the joyous venture. A typical news story will always hold decorative contact lenses responsible for the vision loss. What media forget to highlight is the “careless attitude” of the consumers. This is why; every year even with increased awareness & advanced technology in contact lens manufacturing, we see acute injuries at Halloween. If the consumers’ practices are not modified; we will continue to see such unfortunate headlines that dreadfully exacerbate.

An average contact lens virgin who has no prior experience with contact lenses is expected to hurt herself even if she is provided with contact lenses by her eye doctor. People rush to the hospitals at Halloween with excruciating pain, claiming that contact lenses have ruined their eyes. Their further explanations go like this:

As I've never worn contact lenses before, I didn't know how to put them in or what they should have felt like once they were sat on my eyes.

“"Then I fell asleep wearing the lenses and the next morning I woke up in absolutely agony.


Contact lenses whether prescription or decorative are “MEDICAL DEVICES” that should be handled carefully. Decorative contact lenses take your Halloween costume a level ahead, but it must never be on the cost of your eye sight. Before inserting crazy contact lenses in your eyes make sure the following:

  1. Read the instructions very carefully. I repeat, read the instructions very, very carefully.
  2. Make sure what you are inserting in your eyes are not a product of flea market, beauty salons, gas station or a street vendor. Be very conscious of the brand if you are purchasing them online.
  3. It is good to always try your decorative contact lenses at home before the arrival of the actual event/festive.
  4. Some decorative contacts may hinder with your vision due to the design. Therefore, be very careful about the tripping. Avoid going out in the dark with your crazy contacts in eyes if you have no prior experience of trolling with cosmetics contact lenses

Please consider this : “Every thing come with its own pros & cons and so do contact lenses”. Ignorance of usage instructions is no excuse. Contact lenses should not be used if the slightest of the discomfort is observed. Furthermore; a $10 pair of contact lenses can never be better than a pair of $23.00. Fake & counterfeit lenses may attract due to the cheap price tag they hold but afterwards you will be pushed to spend $350 on medical bill. 


We sell 100% genuine Korean origin circle lenses and have not received even a single complaint since the time we are in the business.  Place your order now for decorative contact lenses and enjoy the freebies!

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