
Monday, 28 September 2015

I got a Corneal Scratch. Should I Worry about Wearing Contact Lenses?

Superficial corneal scratches are common among the beginners who are still learning to carry circle contacts. Accidental poking whilst removing contact lenses or getting a foreign agent trapped in the eyelids may leave the cornea scarred. People who wear contact lenses for vision correction find it a serious threat to have scratches developed, as it pushes them into thinking that contacts are no safer for their eyes.

Luckily, eyes are the only organ of the body that repairs itself cell by cell. Eyes are resilient and they heal themselves quickly. Any minor pricks or scratches should definitely fade in a period of days and must not affect contact lens tolerance. Depending on the severity of the infection; you might need immediate treatment or surgery. Fortunately if you have been lucky enough to resist any serious blow, a mere eye patch would help healing the wound quickly.

It is common sense to toss the contact lens that you had when you poked your eyes. It might not be seen, but most probably; the jagged or over grown nail have caused a scratch on your lens too. Wearing scratched contact lenses may produce a burning or stinging sensation. It leads to red eyes, inflammation or may even trigger the discharge. As a safety precaution, it is advisable to avoid wearing contacts for a day after the mishap. It is safe to revert to your circle contacts for vision correction after the said time in case you feel no agony.

FDA Approved, branded Korean Origin Circle Lenses- from Uniqso
Have you ever accidentally got your eyes hurt by contact lenses? Circle contacts if FDA approved minimize the risks on infections. Accidents happen due to the negligence on the customers’ part most of the time. More than 30 million people wear contacts in United States alone and they swear by the convenience & comfort contact lenses have brought to their lives. What is your say?

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