
Monday, 6 July 2015

New Breakthrough Contact Lens Coating to Cut the Risk of Infections

Disclaimer: Model is wearing regular contact lenses. This picture is used to increase the aesthetic value of the article only.

A new antimicrobial contact lens coating has been introduced by the researchers that would cut the risk of contact lens induced infections. Scientists are trying to keep these coated contact lenses cost-effective thus have ensured one-step manufacturing process.

Formerly too, contact lens coating have been studied by the researchers but the coating would either leak or would fade the efficacy over time. Yi Yan Yang, from Institute of Bio-engineering and Nanotechnology of Singapore & co-author of the new research study says that antimicrobial coatings made of peptides are promising but are difficult to coat on a lens surface and are expensive.

Yang & James L. Hedrick of the IBM Almaden Research Center, in San Jose, Calif with their colleagues made an invisible coating to keep contact lenses bacteria free. The contact lenses are simply dipped in the solution of four different components that help coating stick to the lens surface, prevent accumulation of microorganisms & proteins. Last but not the least; the coating also repels water that increases the antimicrobial activity.

According to the researchers, the coating stayed on contact lenses for 7 days without any toxic effects. This makes the coating suitable for daily disposable and weekly disposable contact lenses available today in the market. Yang and her team is currently busy optimizing the coating for a contact lens company that has expressed the interest.

Meanwhile Yang comes up with consumer friendly antimicrobial disposable contact lenses; you are encouraged to try these monthly disposable contact lenses if you have sensitive eyes. 

Source: Chemical & Engineering News

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