
Friday, 26 June 2015

Halloween Monster Makeup using Phantasee Black Sclera Sabretooth Lenses

Phantasee Black Sclera Sabretooth lenses are available with FREE SHIPPING for limited time period.

"What you see is what you get - a solid black lens that blots out most of your eye, no matter what your iris color.  There is really nothing that comes close to it.  When posing, try to remember to face forward more than you otherwise might - I have a tendency to turn my head and look back at the camera, and I found that you can sometimes see more of the whites of your eyes than you otherwise might want when doing this.  It’s also a shame that these do not come in prescription, but hey, anything for cosplay™.

Totally, totally worth it for the effect, but they take some getting used to.  I wasn’t completely sold on trying Phantasee’s lenses again since I had some trouble at first, but after being able to wear them properly now, they’re pretty great."-

Read Questions/Answers here about Sabretooth Sclera black lenses

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