
Tuesday, 21 April 2015

DIY Contact Lens Solution: What to Expect From?

Contact lens solutions available in the market might be expensive for some; therefore we have been observing more people relying to DIY solutions of contact lenses. DIY solutions often are a reference to homemade saline solution that is generally a mixture of sodium & distilled water. Store bought saline solutions are also resorted for cleaning, soaking & storing contact lenses. Saline solution might be a cheaper alternative to your multi-purpose solution but its usage should be restricted to emergencies only.

Why DIY Solution of Contact Lenses in not always a Good Choice?

Contact lens solution is not always readily available thus you can safely use saline solution instead. A saline solution can clean your contact lenses from superficial dirt & debris but it cannot slow down the bacteria accumulation on your contact lenses. Saline solution is also unable of removing protein debris and minerals deposition from contact lenses. It only promises to prevent your contact lenses from drying out over night when you run out of your regular multi-purpose solution.

Saline solution is in appropriate to be used on long-term basis for cleaning, soaking & storing your contact lenses. It contains salt & disinfected water (Distilled water) that keep your circle lenses hydrated. However, saline solution runs risk of disturbing the water-content ratio in contacts. Only revert to saline solution or other alternatives when by no means you are able to access a good quality pharmaceutical contact lens solution.

Note: Cleaning properties of saline solutions and other alternatives of contact lens solution offer short term service. Since the cleaning properties are not as pronounced as of the enzymatic solutions; it is advised to only use the solutions, specially formulated to cleanse & disinfect contact lenses. If emergency strikes; use saline solution at your own risk. 

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