
Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Dolly Pink Circle Lenses for Light Eyes: Dolly Eye Puffy 3 Tones Pink

Hands down. Barbie Puffy 3 tones pink are one of the HOT selling pink circle lenses. They look completely enticing against both light and dark colored eyes. Barbie Puffy 3 tones pink enhance the way your iris appear by not only enlarging it to a dolly size but by also tinting it uniquely pink. The unworldly color transforms you into a beauty legend that has bold anime eyes that shines pink.

Barbie Puffy 3 tones pink circle lenses are captivating. They boast thin limbal ring with yellow dust that tightly seems to hug the pupil hole. The yellow-orange dust when fuses with original eye color, helps the lenses to blend with out casting any fake impressions. They make your eyes look very humble, polite & fictional. 

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