
Thursday, 11 December 2014

Gorgeous Green Lenses that Look Blue When Worn: I.Fairy Kirei Green

I.Fairy Kirei green circle lenses are those gorgeous green circle lenses that appear unique when worn. These green circle lenses look something like a mix of blue and green. They produce impeccable contrast and dolly enlargement with a diameter of 16.2 mm

I.Fairy Kirei green circle lenses boast simple yet exquisite pattern. The pupil is surrounded by dusty yellow that helps blending them with your eyes. They are so good at blending and fading with your eye color that no matter what color your eyes are; they create a stunning contrast. 

"They are also really comfortable and I think it is because of the brand. I have never had any comfort problems with the I.Fairy brand as I said before. Still, I try not to wear them any longer than 8 hours, you should be careful about that too! Even if it's been less than 8 hours and you are feeling uncomfortable, take off the lenses immediately"; suggests Anzujaamu in her I.Fairy Kirei green circle lenses review.

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