
Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Wigs, Contact Lenses & Makeup Helped Filipino ‘Actor’ Transforming Himself into ‘Women Celebrities’ from around the World: One Man Countless Faces

There has been already much said on the importance of contact lenses when thriving for transformations. Contact lenses along with wigs and makeup are undoubtedly the evident factors behind jaw-dropping transformations. A Filipino actor “Paolo Ballesteros”; who is also a famous comedian demonstrates how contact lenses can be used in conjunction with wigs for acquiring astonishing transformations.

Paolo seems to be a skilled makeup artist. His grip at makeup brushes, his fluency at the swishing motions & his conceiving skills are enough to put one in surprise. He left everyone awe-struck through his much-fascinated transformations into “women-celebrities” from around the world. Using contact lenses & specialty wigs (associated with the subject being replicated), he seems to have successfully climbed the peak of fame & fellow-ship.

Katy Perry

Miley Cyrus

Cameron Diaz

Emma Stone

Certainly; it is time to make strong ties with makeup experts; as Halloween is just round the corner. For inspirations from Paolo; follow him at instagram & stay glued as he creates more enchantments.

Contact lenses and synthetic wigs when employed together may win laurels for you. They entirely change the way you look and therefore are responsible for taking your costume a level ahead. No doubt; you should also be well-equipped with un-paralleled makeup skills to leave ever-lasting impact on the minds; when dealing with the main-stream audience.

Try your luck with contact lenses & wigs this impending Halloween, since Halloween is all about catching others dumb-struck & petrified. Do share your stories with us & stand a chance to win our products for TOTALLY FREE.

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