
Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Anime Eyes: Kawaii Super Big Eyes Snow Violet Circle Lenses

Kawayii Super Big Eyes Snow Violet Lenses

Violet circle lenses are fun and unusual to wear. They are good for achieving anime looks for the Halloween. Kawaii Super Big Eyes Snow violet circle lenses are ultra big eye lenses with 20mm diameter. However they are very light and subtle & they do make a perfect match with pale skin. 

Kawayii Super Big Eyes Snow violet circle lenses blend in well with light eyes, they are not though natural looking; they don't tend to freak you either. They are at the border line, perhaps. These violet circle lenses have a beautiful pattern; kind of graphic and the pattern in fact helps creating a bigger eye illusion. 

With 55% of the water content these violet lenses stay moist and comfortable in your eyes. Please take note that lenses with an unusually enlarged diameter sometimes induce strain to the eyes that should go away by putting them off and by using eye drops. 

For Detailed review: Click Kawayii Super Big Eyes Snow violet review

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