
Friday 22 August 2014

Geolica Euro Celine Violet : Violet Lenses for Less Drama

Geolica Euro Celine Violet : Violet Lenses for Less Drama

Geolica Euro Celine Violet : Violet Lenses for Less Drama

Geolica Euro Celine Violet : Violet Lenses for Less Drama

Geolica Euro Celine Violet : Violet Lenses for Less Drama

Geolica Euro Celine Violet circle lenses are for those who are looking for less dramatic violet lenses. Some people resist wearing violet contact lenses because they make you look alien with a set of weirdo eyes. Contradictory to the common assumption about violet circle lenses; these violet from Geolica are subtle and mostly go unnoticed. 

These violet blend nicely with dark brown eyes and add a little twist to your eyes. "Surprisingly, this is something I think I can wear daily. They are comfy and not too huge so they don’t give so much drama to my entire look. Its violet shade isn’t too alien-ish so it won’t make people make weird faces on you. kkkk~ It’s nothing drastic but the color made my eyes look a little different. It looks nice, especially in selcas. kk~" Read more at Shimmering Thoughts Geolica Violet Review.

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