
Monday, 7 April 2014

Transformation with Circle Lenses & Stella False Eyelashes

Transformation with Circle Lenses & Stella False Eyelashes

Circle lenses with bigger diameters create an illusion of bigger eyes. To get even a more polished and perfect big eye look; “Stella false eyelashes” should be used to furnish the entire “big eye look”. In Korea, Japan and other eastern countries “big round and playful eyes”are aspired most as they are considered feminine.

Circle lenses and false eyelashes go hand in hand. If especially big eye circle lenses are not supported with the lavish drape of “Stella false eyelashes”; the entire look may get spoiled ending up looking too fake. What worse; the transformation you are intending to attain fails to bring any positive feedback and applause. Therefore it is always better to use “Stella false eyelashes” along with big eye circle lenses if you are longing for a “Dramatic look” or are simply eyeing to creating “big wide” & “open eyes”.

Transformation with Circle Lenses & Stella False Eyelashes

Stella false eyelashes are handmade since the manufacturer want you to look natural. Most of the people do not want to show off that they are wearing the fake looks. In such cases; “Stella false eyelashes” do the job.  The natural drape and the sterilized strips ensure a “dolly eye look” with no compromise to the health & hygiene of your eyes.

Though the upper set of false eye lashes is often enough for a “Natural big eye look”; sometimes even more charm and allure can be added wearing the bottom or under eyelashes. Stella false eye lashes have several under eye lash designs which you can pick as per your own taste & style.

In Asian countries the time of an average woman is mostly consumed in enhancing her eyes with big eyes makeup accessories and big eye circle lenses. The use of eyelid tapes/glue is also considered one of the basic necessity to create big dolly eyes. The glue or tapes helps creating the double-fold eye lid without which the dream of having gorgeous big eyes remains a dream.

In short for a transformation; big eye circle lenses along with Stella false eyelashes and other big eyes makeup accessories are required to create an illusion of bigger and deeper eyes. Circle lenses also add warmth, touch of innocence & playful looks whose over-all effect is considered a reminiscent of Japanese anime & manga.

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