
Sunday, 16 March 2014

Pale Skin? Use Skin79 BB Creams


Western BB creams are often too dark to match with Asian skin tones. Though it is believed that the first BB cream was formulated in Germany; Korean BB creams are leading the industry. Korean BB creams such as those that are being manufactured by Skin79 are beneficial for the skin as the major ingredients used in the formulation of Skin79 BB cream are rich in nutritious value.

Skin79 BB cream matches very pale to medium skin tones. They stay nude especially on East Asian tones and people from Malaysia, Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan etc can most probably find the true match from the wide range of Skin79 BB cream. Skin79 hot pink has grey under tones which make it suitable for wheatish olive skin tones whereas Skin79 Orange may suit pale and cold skins.

Skin79 BB creams if however turn out to be very pale on your skin; it is recommended to mix your BB cream with your regular foundation in 1:1 ratio. If the foundation provides heavy coverage; avoid mix and match with BB creams. Heavy coverage foundations when mixed with BB cream may look greasy ending up in patchy or cakey application. 

Too fair people often have red patches which can be concealed using Skin79 BB creams. Choose your Skin79 BB cream carefully as per your skin type & concerns for maximum benefits and remarkable difference.

Kindly note that people who belong from East Asia are paler than those living in South Asia (India, Pakistan, Nepal, Maldives etc.) Below is the comparison of Skin79 BB cream swatches on South Asian & East Asian skin tone.

Use Skin79 BB Creams for pale skin

VIP gold, Vital, Hot Pink [Left to Right]
Use Skin79 BB Creams for pale skin

Skin79 BB creams provide long-lasting matte finish coverage with luminous glow. The hidden skin care benefits promise to bring out an impeccable skin complexion by lightening out acne marks & occasional spots. Find out the other benefits of Skin79 BB creams

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