Saturday, 31 August 2013

I Fairy Jewel Green Circle Lenses

Did you know that I.Fairy Jewel green circle lenses do magic on brown eyes? These look like as if you have got the real green shade. Will do wonders if your eyes are naturally green. Comfortable; and comes in a natural design, I fairy jewel green circle lenses are confirmed comfort!

Read the review and submit yours at soompi forums to win store credit.

I.Fairy Jewel Green

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Dolly Eye Blytheye Grey Circle Lenses : Vivid and Shiny

Super vibrant and shiny; dolly eye blytheye grey circle lenses turn the dark brown eyes go ash grey with a hint of ash blue. The enlargement is just natural with 14.8mm diameter. Try these lenses and stand with your friends to look most seductive among all; just like our sweet customer here. 

Dolly Eye Blytheye Grey aka EOS New Adult Grey

Dolly Eye Blytheye Grey aka EOS New Adult Grey

Dramatic Eye Makeup Using Puffy Three Tones Violet

You can always achieve your dream big eyes and enhance them by makeup with big eye circle lenses. However it is necessary that you do makeup not only to compliment your look but also to compliment the situation you are in. A heavy makeup looks beautiful at night but looks over-done when you are in the office or attending a meeting. Have a look at, “Situation Eye Makeup with Big Eye Lenses” to know which makeup looks are perfect for shopping, working women and an evening party respectively.

Our Official Makeup Artists has created yet another sexy and dramatic look for all of our customers using Puffy Three Tones Violet Circle Lenses. The tutorial is in simple and easy steps; hence making it easy for everyone to achieve bold and eide seductive eyes.

This dramatic eye makeup look has been created to match with hair color and eye color. This makeup look is fit for night events and an evening out with a special friend!

Dramatic Eyes- Makeup Tutorial

Put on puffy three tone violet circle lenses and get yourself prepared for the other steps.

Step 1 - Apply a blue eyeshadow in whole eyelid.

Step 2 - Use a reddish copper metallic eyeshadow and blend

Step 3 - Apply a black eyeshadow outside (just a little) and blend

Step 4 - Highlight the brow bone with golden and white

Step 5 -  Apply a nude eyeliner pencil in the waterline (Alternatively, you can use a black pencil for more “drama”)

Step 6 - Use fake lashes

Step 7 - Use liquid eyeliner in black on your upper lashline.

Step 8 - Apply glitter at the corner of your eyes

Step 9 - Apply blush and lipstick to complement your eye makeup. I used a pale pink blush and a nude lipstick. But you can use any color you want even red.

Don’t forget fill and shape your eyebrow with brown eyeshadow.

And Voilà! Here is the finished Look.

For more makeup ideas with circle lenses; get inspiration from our customers who have created Kawaii/ Ulzaang and Gyaru looks following the tips of proper makeup application with color contact lenses. Feel free to submit your looks and get featured at our dedicate section of Kawaii and Gyarus!

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

DIY Halloween Decorations I 4 Cheap Halloween Decorations

What are your plans for the Halloween 2013? Have not you yet booked your Halloween decorations and Halloween circle lenses? Halloween circle lenses come in variety of designs including crazy zombie circle lenses and the hottest crazy sclera lenses.  Btw, just for the sake of cutting down the costs why not try some DIY Halloween crafts?

There are several DIY inexpensive Halloween crafts that can make your environment spooky by adding spice of terror and horror. No doubt; you do not want to compromise on the quality of your Halloween costumes as attending Halloween parties is the biggest fun of the event. Therefore after spending huge in Halloween costume, makeup, Halloween circle lenses and other accessories why not save some and begin crafting your own unparalleled spooksville through DIY Halloween crafts?

Following are some inspirations taken from “Instructables”. Let’s have fun together and curate some mysterious Halloween crafts.

DIY Halloween Craft No. 1- The Halloween Mummy

Making this cute Halloween mummy is as easy as making a cup of tea- or may be easier than that. For making this mummy you only need a paper cut-out, some toilet paper and a marker to draw the pattern and expressions. It is up to you whether you want your Halloween mummy look cute or terrifying. Go artistic and using your creativity draw expressions after wrapping toilet paper on the mummy’s paper template. You can make your Halloween mummy stand by supporting it with a wooden peg at its back.

Here is a step-by-step Tutorial to making this cuteHalloween mummy craft      

DIY Halloween Craft No. 2-The Instant Jack-o-Lanterns

I salute the creativity who invented this simple jack-o-lantern. Making a real jack-o-lantern needs lots of potential and time which everyone is not interested to spend in. Here is a short cut; so say cheese. Get a bucket full of fresh oranges (go for different sizes). Wash them off properly and using a temporary marker; draw different emoticons on your oranges to make them look like Halloween pumpkins. Spend less time but create massive sets of jack-o-lanterns which you later can present your kids as a treat!

DIY Halloween Craft No. 3- The Glowing Halloween Card

Don’t you find it demonic when in the dark you find strange eyes glowing at you with fierce ghostly expressions? Those monstrous glowing eyes are definitely spine-chilling and may win the game for you. Try this simple Halloween glowing card using small LEDs, batteries and bare paints.

Start with normal paper and pencil. Draw the pattern of Halloween pumpkin and color it orange. Fold the paper like a card and attach batteries with LEDs. Complete the circuit and follow the procedure as shown in the step-by-stepglowing Halloween card tutorial

DIY Halloween Craft No.4- The Halloween Lamp

This is a brilliant idea. You can now create your own spooky lamp by using old useless household items. Get your hands on a wooden crate, and a storm fallen branch which you may easily pick from your backyard. Using same paper template procedure make Halloween symbols like bats and crows and get the cutouts. Paint them black and paste them onto the upper one third area of your wall. Hide a small lamp behind the crate and place big and small pumpkins over and in front the crate.

The Halloween lamp guide explains the procedure in 5 easy steps

We hope you will have fun creating these Halloween decorations. Please share your ideas with us and your creativity deserves appreciation!

Related Topics:

Buy crazy Halloween circle lenses from as low as $16.90 or get rebate on your circle lens orders by submitting your cosplay look photo shoot.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Barbie Nudy Green Big Eye Circle Lenses

Want to enhance your original green color. One of our customer recommends Barbie Nudy green for all those with light eye colors to brighten up their eyes and make them look big with these big eye circle lenses. Partially green with a dark green limbal ring instead of black; these lenses will definitely win your heart. Read a review on  Barbie Nudy green circle lenses and do not forget to post your feedback!

Barbie Nudy Green

Monday, 26 August 2013

Barbie Leopard Grey Circle Lenses Review I Animal Circle Lenses

The cute leopard print and the humble grey color is what a perfect combination called. Put them on your eyes and let others feel attracted. Barbie leopard grey circle lenses are new on shelf and have made their first successful review. Interested to know more? Learn here about barbie leopard grey circle lenses.

Barbie Leopard Grey

Barbie Leopard Grey

Korean Big Eye Circle Lenses

Bring a wild change in your personality with these bright cat eye circle lenses. Barbie cat eye circle lenses are best suitable for Halloween parties, cosplays and fancy dress shows. The vertical pupils with a black slit completely transform your look into a wild cat eye for that vivid appearance you are aiming for. Get this Barbie Crazy Halloween Lens-Cat Women

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Crazy Halloween Lenses

With our versatile collection of Halloween circle lenses you are invited to show the wild side of your personality and frighten others with your unique ideas and horrific eyes! See more in

Dolly Eye Fur Fur Prime Grey Circle Lenses I Big Eye Circle Lenses

If you are longing for a dolly eye look yet you want to keep them look natural in color then dolly eye fur fur prime grey circle lenses are 100% recommended for you. These enlarge your eyes extremely well and enhance your natural shade of eye (if it is more towards darker shade). The comfort is also 4/5. Try these out and get dolly appearance for the whole day.

These circle lenses have been reviewed here. Did you know you can earn points by submitting your photos?

Thursday, 22 August 2013

I Fairy Sakura Pink Cosplay Lenses

Looking for super sexy dolly eye circle lenses? How about trying I Fairy Sakura Pink cosplay lenses? These lenses have a solid black rim with a subtle pink rim inside that fades away in a pretty way with your original eye colour. 

I think pairing up your pink eyes with a pink wig will really make a difference. See the incredible look of our happy customer in her honest but sweet review of I fairy sakura pink cosplay lenses ^_^

I.Fairy Sakura Pink

Cosplay Lenses : Barbie Dueba Sugar Candy Pink

Pink is the lightest shade in the big eye circle lenses. Also it is often very hard for brown eyes to choose lenses that show up well on the color brown. Dueba sugar candy pink appears to address this issue and may be a perfect pair for your cosplay. It comes with solid black rim with a spikey pixelated pattern in pink.

Dueba sugar candy pink seems to brighten up the dark eyes and look like the fancy wear for every day use even for dark skin tones

Barbie Sugar Candy Pink

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Cosplay Lenses: Barbie Nova Pink

You cant mimic any character to its full soul unless you use cosplay lenses. Barbie nova pink are also one of the most favorite cosplay lenses. Cosplay lenses need to be comfortable; because if they are not you will feel distracted during your performance.

Barbie nova pink cosplay lenses have a very solid thick black limbal ring that plays its part in enlarging your eyes. The result is very huge anime like eyes with a hint of pretty pink. Though they are pink and support a huge outer ring; still they look natural on dark brown eyes and black hairs. See the pictures of barbie nova cosplay lenses in a review. 

barbie nova pink

barbie nova pink

Barbie Kira Kira Blue Circle Lenses I Lolitta Makeover

"Uniqso intrigued me in the cheap prices of the circle lenses, cheaper than Pinky Paradise. I also had a 10% discount code YTN10. Anyway, I tested the site out by buying Barbie Kira Kira Blue.";writes a customer at her blog.

Barbie kira kira lenses enlarge your eyes very well; but the color unfortunately does not show well on dark brown eyes. For more information on these lenses check the review.

Barbie Puffy Three Tone Green on Blue Eyes

Barbie puffy three tones need no introduction. They are comfortable, enlarging, brightening and pretty circle lenses. Barbie puffy three tones green look very beautiful on almost all colors of eyes and is suitable for both light and dark eye colors. 

Go here to see what effect they create on greyish blue eyes. here you can find the result of barbie puffy three tone green on various eyes. We are sure this will help you making your choice ^_^

Barbie Puffy 3 Tones Green

Prescription I Contact Lenses & Glasses

Is your prescription for glasses and contact lenses same? No; it is different. Find out here> why it is different and how the prescription works~

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Barbie Segoi Pearl Prime Lenses I Perfect for an Anime Touch

If you are a fan of anime series and have dreamed for anime eyes; then barbie segoi pearl prime series is for you. The whole series is acknowledged to make your eyes super huge just like animes.

Barbie segoi pearl in violet has a natural pattern; looks quite seductive on fair skin with dark hairs. The violet is not too loud to make your eye look unnatural. See how barbie segoi looks on dark eyes; also read what the customer has to say about these lenses.

Barbie Segoi Pearl Prime Violet,

Monday, 19 August 2013

Big Eye Circle Lenses: Barbie Blanket Violet

Barbie blanket violet enlarges your eyes with 16mm diameter; yet they look quite natural on dark brown eyes. The color is very pigmented and shows up well even on dark eyes. Also it looks lovely on medium skin tones when you have dark hairs. Check out a review of barbie blanket violet circle lenses where you can see the blending effect on dark eyes.

Barbie Blanket Violet

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Halloween 2013 I Halloween Nail Art and Halloween Heels

Halloween is a fun festival. You crack jokes, frighten others, tell scary stories, watch horror movies and visit haunted attractions. The beauty of Halloween increases even more if you are well-prepared for Halloween and this must be reflected from your personality.

You might have decorated your surroundings with Halloween decorations, carved jack-o-lanterns and by lighting bonfires. You might have also spent considerable time and money in deciding your costume for attending several costume parties that pays narrow attention on your costume detailing and accessories. Still when Halloween festival begins; you realize that you have forgetfully ignored some of your major attractions of your Halloween costume. Often times you forget to pay any attention to your shoes and nails as you spend your all energies thinking about your dress and your face makeup.

Below you will find last minute Halloween preparations that are very easy peasy and takes no time. So next time you forget to get Halloween shoes; create a pair yourself.

Look for old heels (preferably black) uselessly lying in your wardrobe or drawer. Make skeleton-toes with a white pencil and finish it off using a silver glitter or gel. Go for acrylic enamel paints.

Paint the heels with Halloween symbols such a spider web, pumpkins, bats, skulls or bones etc.

These Halloween heels will make a great combination with Halloween nail art. Paint your nails all black and using a white nail polish or paint; draw some free hand skulls and you’re ready to go!

Get cheap Halloween circle lenses for Halloween 2013 before the stock lasts. Or find out amazing Halloween enrichment ideas with Halloween circle lenses!

Courtesy: kazmataz& annapar79

Big Eye Contact Lenses : Dolly Eye Crystal I Blue

Dolly eye crystal i two tone big eye circle lenses are natural with a diameter of 14.2 mm. These big eye circle lenses are especially a treat for natural eyes seekers. Cast chilled icy gazes with dolly eye crystal blue lenses. Dolly eye crystal big eye circle lenses is a trusted comfortable brand for sensitive eyes. Check out the whole series of dolly eye crystal circle lenses

Dolly Eye Crystal I Blue

Dolly Eye Crystal I Blue

Barbie Romana Blue Big Eye Circle Lenses

Barbie Romana blue circle lenses are marine blue that may sometime look like a mixture of marine blue and green both. The pattern is very obvious and showcases a flower with petite petals. The outer limbal ring makes your eyes noticeable and attractive!

Use them for cosplay as Emily has done.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Pay for Genuine Big Eye Circle Lenses Only

Your eyes are important! How do we ensure our lenses are genuine? We only purchased from those suppliers who are approved by the manufacturers, such as GEO. Read to check whether your GEO lenses are genuine.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Halloween Activities I 3 Steps How to Make a Halloween Pumpkin

Halloween is almost here. Why not do your homework before hand so that you can enjoy your Halloween holiday by staying creepy? Halloween is not confined only with choosing a creepy costume then disguising yourself into one using Halloween circle lenses but it deals on a larger scale with everything that is creepy and gruesome.

On Halloween you need to turn everything around you into a frightening nightmare. This is done by creating shadows using strobe lights, Halloween accessories, by fixing weird scarecrows along the way and by the creative carving of trick-o-treat Halloween lanterns that are made by pumpkin surgery.

Following are some brief steps which will help you carving your own pumpkin for Halloween.


Get a medium sized pumpkin and an appropriate sharp knife or alternatively a sharp dagger. Begin stabbing pumpkin at the stem repeatedly in a ring form to remove the pumpkin’s stem. When you feel your stabs have made a ring around the stem; try loosening the stem and pull it out. After removing the stem successfully; empty your pumpkin of all of its brain. You would like to scrape the brains with a spoon.

Using a bold/ temporary marker trace the facial features on your pumpkin. Draw eyes and mouth. If you fear your hand movements will not be too stable to cut through the marked features neatly; then go for a simple pattern instead of fierce or complex facial expressions. Using a sharp knife cut through the marked lines. Start with a small hole and proceed widening it with firm and stable movement of your hand.

Make a fake brain using simple circuit consisting of LED, a battery and a reed switch or alternatively lit your pumpkin using wax candles. Place the brain inside your pumpkin and get set go for yet another unforgettable Halloween party!

Do not forget to catch brilliant Halloween costume ideas using Halloween circle lenses to keep everything gruesome and creepy that day!

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Zombie Makeup Tips with Circle Lenses I Contact Lenses

Halloween is coming! Today; we are going to share that how you can get into the most demonic creature of every Halloween i.e. “Zombie” Read more in

Barbie Diamond Three Tones Grey Circle Lenses: Big & Stylish

"The design is very cool and eye catching. It definitely makes your eyes sparkle. There are hints of red and black but I don't really see much of the gray. This is not a lens that is made to look natural. It is very unnatural in terms of the design and the red accents. It is something people will definitely notice." Opines a customer in her review here.

Barbie Diamond 3 Tones Grey

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Most Comfortable Lenses: Barbie Puffy Three Tones

Barbie puffy three tones circle lenses are considered most comfortable series. Even if you are a beginner your eyes are sure to love barbie puffy three tones. The tones gradually changes from a pale green and fruit yellow combination to algae green at the outer ring. Being 16.5mm in diameter; puffy three tones green circle lenses give you a well-balanced, sweet enlargement in your eyes.

Review and pictures of Barbie puffy three tones green circle lenses are here.