
Monday, 17 June 2013

DIY: Decorate your Big Eye Contact Lens Case

The baby child of late 80’s was fond of decorating mum’s refrigerator with clay-fruit magnets and vegetables. When the technology evolved; that very child saw the huge revolution. As a result; she is now fond of decorating everything from her I phone to laptop and even cheaper things like big eye contact lenses case.

Credit it to Japanese designer who are transforming everything into Kawaii cuteness; be it your blinged eyes and nails or even plastic utility products. Lens Cases are the one and only medium to keep your big eye contact lenses safe from external harmful agents; but you can bring diversity in the very same product. All it needs is just a bit of creativity, some baubles or deco-kit and a glue gun! Oh and yes; did I mention lens case is a must-have to kick-start with?

You can decorate the cases of your big eye contact lenses with cheap easily available charms; glittery objects anddiamontees. Above all; if you are a craft-lady; you will love to create delicious cases for big eye contact lenses by decorating it with your favorite food items.

Here are some fabulous ideas for decorating the case of big eye contact lenses for your quick inspiration.

Are you feeling inspired to decorate your own cases of big eye contact lenses that might be lying somewhere uselessly in your makeup stash? Be creative and share your fancy work with us to be an inspiration for others!

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